Bluestone PIM Blog
Product Information Management
BORIS & PIM: How Buy Online, Return In-Store Integration Reduces E-commerce Returns
Results for

Product Information Management
Customer Insights: How Electronics Manufacturers Excel with Composable PIM
See how Bluestone PIM helps electronics manufacturers simplify product information management to achieve data consistency and streamline operations.

Customer Insights
Customer Insights: Driving Automotive Customer Experiences with Agile Data
Discover the value of PIM for automotive companies and how PIM system can streamline operations and speed up time-to-market in the automotive industry.

Product Information Management
Customer Insights: How PIM Transforms the Real Estate Industry
Unlock the power of PIM to transform real estate by streamlining data, enhancing buyer experience, and ensuring competitiveness in a digital market.

Composable Commerce
Customer Insights: Why Composable PIM Outperforms In-House PIM for Long-Term Growth
Discover why a composable Product Information Management (PIM) solution outshines in-house PIM for sustainable growth, offering flexibility, scalability, and a seamless customer experience.

Product Information Management
Customer Insights: How a Big Retailer Wins with a PIM-first Approach
Discover how a global retailer transformed its digital strategy with a PIM-first approach and boosted their business performance and scalability.
Schedule a 30-minute call with our expert and win the omnichannel game with composable PIM, just like our customers