Bluestone PIM

Certification is intended for developers, technical architects, managers, and anyone involved in Bluestone PIM projects.

certificate IT business

Who is the Bluestone certification program for?

Certification is intended for developers, technical architects, managers, and anyone involved in Bluestone PIM projects. It is not intended for content authors or other non-technical users.

Access to certification is granted only if one of the following requirements is met:

  1. Employment with a Bluestone PIM customer
  2. A signed NDA with Bluestone PIM
  3. Employment in a company with a signed partnership agreement with Bluestone PIM

Please ensure that one of these conditions is fulfilled to gain access.

Why Bluestone certification?

Bluestone experts are in demand. Whether you're an experienced Bluestone veteran or want to become one, a Bluestone Certified Consultant credential allows you to demonstrate your expertise.

If you’re part of a digital agency, having Bluestone Certified Consultants on staff will speed implementations, increase client success, and help you win new business by making your Bluestone expertise stand out. 

What's the format of the certification exam?

The Bluestone Certification Exam is an online exam that you can take on your own computer at your location. Before attempting the Exam, ensure you have a modern internet browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge) and a reliable Internet connection.

The Exam consists of multiple-choice and select-all-that-apply questions in English. You must complete the Exam in one sitting. The maximum time allowed to complete the Exam is 60 minutes. You must receive a final score of at least 60% to pass the certification.

How should I prepare for the Exam?

The best way to prepare for the Bluestone Certification Exam is to register for training. This will give you access to the Bluestone training guide, which is an interactive PDF covering all essential steps and topics.

What are the rules for taking the Exam?

You must follow the following rules when taking the exam. Failure to follow these rules will invalidate your certification and may result in you not being permitted to attempt Bluestone certification in the future.

  1. You must provide Bluestone with your real name when attempting the certification. You may not attempt certification from multiple email addresses.

  2. You must complete the Exam personally. No one may take the Exam on your behalf, provide you with exam questions or answers before taking the Exam, or assist you in any way while you take the Exam.

  3. You are not permitted to refer to reference materials (documentation, notes, online resources, etc.) while taking the exam.

  4. You must not share exam questions or answers with others or assist them while they take the Exam.

  5. You must not claim or imply that you are Bluestone certified until you receive a certificate from Bluestone verifying your certification status. You must stop claiming or implying that you are Bluestone certified if your certification status is revoked for any reason or has expired.

  6. As a Bluestone Certified Consultant, you must uphold the highest integrity and professional conduct standards in all your dealings. You must not do anything damaging Bluestone’s reputation or business success.

How to enroll in the Exam?

After completing the preparation, send a request to, and you will receive a link to the Exam. This requires you to register for training and use the same email address as when registering.

What happens when I pass the Exam?

  You are entitled to claim that you are Bluestone certified.

  You will have the opportunity to do Bluestone PIM onboarding projects.

  Your certification enables your company to transition from a signed partner to a certified partner and enjoy the benefits of the Bluestone PIM Solution Partner Program.

Are there any costs?

Currently, it is not; it is only your time and effort.

What if I don't pass the Exam?

Step your training effort up a notch and request a new exam after a minimum of 7 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

1 - After sending you the email, how long will it take to setup the test for each person?

We try to have it ready within one working day.

2 - Can one take it at their own free time, or does it have to be taken on a specific time you decide?

Whoever receives the test is free to choose when the test starts.

3 - How long is the test?

It is limited to 60 minutes.

4 - How many questions are there?

The test has between 50 and 60 questions or 60 questions.

5 - Are there questions that will be answered by writing, like in essay format?

No questions can be answered by writing. There are checkboxes where one or more options are correct.

6 - Is there a practical test that needs to be done on the Bluestone platform?

No, the test is a multiple-choice questionnaire.

7 - How will it be graded? What’s the passing mark? Would the user know instantaneously if they passed or not?

All questions carry one point, and multiple-choice questions require all correct options to be selected to earn one point. The passing mark is 60% correct answers. Those who take the test receive information immediately after the test has ended.

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