See how Bluestone PIM will make your business more composable and agile

Take a free video product tour and discover the efficient way to achieve faster time to market and a seamless product workflow.



Bluestone PIM in a nutshell - watch this sneak peek of the key features and learn how to:

  • Navigate and customize the dashboard
  • Organize and hierarchize your products
  • Manually edit product descriptions at any time
  • Create numerous product relations
  • Translate your product information
  • Publish the product to all your internal or customer-facing channels


Gain more insights into the capabilities of Bluestone PIM, including how to:

  • Customize the dashboard by using drag-and-drop widgets
  • Use the intuitive category tree for your products
  • Edit product descriptions and check the assets 
  • Work with unique completeness and validation features
  • Engage your customers with cross- and up-selling
  • Translate product information and add your own languages
  • Go step by step through the publishing process

Eager to see more?

Eager to see more?

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live product tour session

Schedule your individual live product tour session

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Get a highlight tour of product enrichment processes

Discuss your product information management needs

Receive answers to any PIM-related questions

Discover how PIM can help you sell better and faster

Select a day and time to:

   get a highlight tour of product enrichment processes

   discuss your product information management needs

   receive a personal product data consultation

   receive answers to any PIM-related questions

Need more insights? Read Bluestone PIM Buyer Guides


Architecture & Ecosystem

Learn about the key characteristics of Bluestone PIM technology, the MACH architecture, Composable Commerce and the ecosystem of ready apps and integrations.


APIs & Channel Integrations

With over 500 APIs and ready integrations, Bluestone PIM lets you master all aspects of product information management.


Data Modelling & Governance

Discover Bluestone PIM's robust data import and export capabilities, including real-time data management.


Maximize brand visibility and sales potential with PIM

Enhance customer experience with consistent product content
Turn Product Information into an Omnichannel Success
business strategy >
Find numerous ways to attract
more visitors
increase conversion rate >