Definition: Awareness Stage

What is awareness stage?

The awareness stage marks the first phase of a customer's buying process, in which they learn of the existence of a product, service or brand for the first time, but have little information about its features or benefits.

At this early stage, customers are aware of certain needs or problems and begin to search for solutions. As target audiences are still searching for solutions, broad marketing channels such as advertising, social media, PR and SEO can cast a wide net and increase brand awareness and familiarity through extensive outreach aimed at generating initial interest. Once familiarity with the brand exceeds a certain threshold, they move into the consideration stage where they actively seek out details before making a final decision.

The awareness phase lays the foundation for commerce by introducing the brand to potential buyers and arousing interest and curiosity. Once established, it lays the foundation for long-term branding efforts and market share expansion as the target audience continues on the path to becoming a paying customer.

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